Abode to Night rain

Kiyoshi: Lady of the Night Rain

Greetings comrad! I am flattered that you are curious about me. But just remember what happened to the poor kitty who thought knowledge was safe..

Lookit all the Pretty Stuff! What is it?

My Name is actually LeAnn, I just go by the nickname Kiyoshi. LeAnn derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen: (light;beautiful woman); it is also a variant of Liana: (youthful;bond). Kiyoshi is typically a male name, but I use it anyway. It means 'purity' in Japanese. My alias last name: Amaya (which is a girl's name by the way) means 'night rain' in Japanese. And thus is where the title of this site comes from.

I come from a lot of German heritage, but am also Welsh/Irish/Scottish. I am of average height, and I used to have nice long brown hair.. but I hacked it short and now it has copper highlights. Yay! I used to have a tan, but it's fading, and my eyes are so dark I might as well say they're black. I am single, but currently, I have too much going on to bother with looking.

I am a Virgo:

Element: Earth--view the world through sensation, thought

Stone: Amethyst, Carnelian, Pyrite

Colors: Silver, indigo, dark violet

Attractions: Gemini, Pisces, Taurus

Motto: I Serve

Personality: "Those who are so born are good, modest, involved with the mysteries, full of care, those who lead a diverse life, managers of the property of others, faithful, good at domestic affairs, writers, those who are supported by speeches or calaculations, hypocritical, curious, initiates into occult matters, those who spend their initial resources, but prosper in middle age." - from 'The Anthology'

I am also an Earth Snake:

The Earth Snake can be, in a word, snaky. Seductive and alluring, they can wrap their prey in a clever web almost impossible to escape. Their disarming manner has its charms but can backfire, when people run like crazy for blessed relief. But, oh, my, how Earth Snakes can shine. Their inborn magnetism, quick response to the needy, and unaffected love for their fellow men compel support from high and low alike. People generally gravitate towards these very graceful creatures who are citizens of the world, as much at home on the tennis court as in a museum or taking part in a street festival.

I have two kitties, both of whom I adore. They are Siamese. One is really old, but I figure she'll manage to outlive me and get into the Guiness Book of World Records. Hah! The other one is 5 and she's a spoiled brat. It's all my fault, but I can't help it. I'm a sucker for cuteness.

 On my own I am much more quiet. I type the way I think, and that's what you get. People in real life are being gypped. Haha, poor little innocents. Maybe it's a good thing. I love reading and writing. I am also an artist. This site will hold some of my crap, as soon as I find a way to scan 'em all. I sing and I'm starting on the whole acting idea. I prefer staying inside, but I'll go out with friends any time. I make my money by baby-sitting; you people have no clue how much that's worth when you live in a place like I do! ^^ It's great!

Lover Of

I'm a lover of food. I love soft things. I love feathers. I love things with background. I love animals. I love cute things. I love flowers. I love the warmth of the sun when I'm lying with my kitty under a window. I love listening to foreign music. I love talking to people I've never met over the internet. I love listening to people chat about their lives. I love knowing that people love me. I love to roleplay. I love to sing. I love to draw. I love to write. I love to read. I love to think. I love learning. I love new things. I love the smell of Winter. I love watching the rain. I love watching people go about their lives. I love not knowing what will happen next. I, am a lover of People. I, am a lover of the World.

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