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Kiyoshi is a simple, happy character. She lost her memory when she was around ten, and she was found by an arch druid, who took her in. Since then, she has lived with a man called Conor. He and his sister Sorcha raised her in the arts of healing. She took their name 'Sevenwaters' in honor of their kindness to her. When she was 15, Conor sent her off to find her past. She has never had any desire to remember, but she did as her foster family asked her to do.

It's been 6 years, and she has only visited Conor and Sorcha a handful of times. Traveling abroad has taught her much, but she still keeps a smile on her face. She goes from town to town, helping people in need and never asking for anything in return. -Though, she's always keeping an ear out for anything that seems familiar to her.


Kiyoshi is a very calm, very happy girl. She has an infinate amount of patience, and goes to extremes to make other people happy. She's very in tune to the feelings of others, and it's nearly impossible to get away with lying to the girl.